《第38屆香港電影金像奬頒奬典禮》將於4月14日(星期日) 晚上7時半假香港文化中心大劇院隆重舉行,每年大會除揭曉及頒發19項年度獎項以外,其餘兩項最為矚目的年度大獎就是:終身成就獎及專業精神獎。大會今日公布本屆終身成就獎得主為:謝賢先生及專業精神獎得主:劉允先生。
有些電影、有些明星他們是藏著一個年代電影歷史的印記!今屆香港電影金像獎終身成就獎得主謝賢先生就是這個典型。謝賢 - 在1956年他是《遺腹子》,受盡後父欺凌,淒慘可憐。1964年他是《花花公子》,女友無數,卻沒有一個真愛。1966年他是《播音王子》,風流倜儻,迷倒無數少女。1969年他是憤世疾俗的《浪子》,要向虛偽的社會報復。倫理文藝、愛情喜劇、潮流新銳、社會叛逆,他的演藝足跡就是香港五十年代之後,一頁頁香港電影歷史的見證。謝賢那份亦正亦邪氣質獨步影壇的風格不單繼承了過去文藝片小生的傳統,也以其獨特的個人氣質拓闊了傳統戲路。他以個人魅力,形塑了一批六十年代後期出現的粵語片經典。這位粵語片大明星的電影生涯並沒有隨粵語片的末落而止步,他先在香港及台灣兩地演出國語片,更在1972年由幕前轉幕後,執導了依達小說改編的《窄梯》,以一部票房超過一百萬元的國語文藝片成績來看,在當時是一個非常了不起的成就。他由一個粵語片巨星成功轉營成為國語文藝片導演,共執導了八部影片,其中《明日天涯》(1973)的主題曲由羅文主唱,更是繞樑三日。七十年代後期,他加入電視台,演出不少電視劇,其成熟的男士魅力在熒光幕上大受歡迎,《千王之王》(1980)中的「南神眼」羅四海傳頌至今。再返大銀幕主演《千王鬥千霸》(1981),風采依然,開啟了他演藝事業的另一章。大會將於4月14日頒獎典禮當晚頒發本屆最高榮譽終身成就獎予:謝賢先生,表揚他畢生在香港電影及電視發展上的重大貢獻。
以上謝賢先生及劉允先生之獨立造型照拍攝及美術工作由香港知名攝影師Paul Tsang by U N Workshop主理,大會指定香水、化妝及護膚品贊助商 Giorgio Armani Beauty全力支持,大會感謝各參與特刊拍攝之人士與贊助商,讓候選人造型照及紀念特刊拍攝工作得以順利進行,距離4月 14 日頒獎典禮日子尚有兩星期,各單位均全力以赴為《第 38 屆香港電影金像奬頒奬典禮》作最好準備,為一年一度的影壇盛事帶來更豐富多采的元素 。
Hong Kong, 2 April 2019 – The 38th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony is scheduled to take place at the Grand Theatre at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre at 7.30 pm on 14 April (Sunday). Apart from conferring 19 annual awards, there are also another two much anticipated prestigious awards, namely, Lifetime Achievement Award and Professional Achievement Award, to be presented. The Hong Kong Film Awards Association (HKFAA) is pleased to announce the respective winners are Mr. Patrick Tse(謝賢)and Mr. Lau Wan(劉允).
The 38th Hong Kong Film Awards “Lifetime Achievement Award “- Some films and some stars have become icons of certain eras with certain undertones. On this occasion, Lifetime Achievement Award winner Patrick Tse is the perfect embodiment of such cinematic qualities. Tse plays a helpless young man who is mistreated by his stepfather in The Fatherless Son (1956). In The Heartless Lover (1964), his character is an insensitive womanizer. And then in Prince of Broadcasters (1966), young girls just want to cling to the handsome leading man. Tse plays a cynical character in The Prodigal (1969), who is determined to seek revenge on a hypocritical society. Since the 1950s, Tse’s acting finesse has contributed to films that tell stories about family relationships, romance, funny people, stylish characters and social changes. His films are also a historical record and witness in the Hong Kong film industry.
Tse’s enigmatic personality not only possesses traditional qualities of the scholarly handsome guy, but also unique contemporary touches that enable him to play vastly different roles. His personal charm and acting mastery had contributed to many classic Cantonese films produced in the 1960s. As the interest in Cantonese films gradually waned, Tse furthered his showbiz career in the realm of Mandarin films in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In 1972, he even took the helm of film production and directed Madness of Love, adapted from a fiction written by John Yip(依達). In those years, a Mandarin art film’s box office record of HK$1 million was an enviable achievement. It was also proof that he successfully transformed from a Cantonese silver screen superstar into a Mandarin film director. Tse eventually directed eight films. In particular, he invited Roman Tam(羅文)to sing the melodic If Tomorrow Comes (1973) theme song. In the late 1970s, he joined a TV station and appeared in many TV dramas. As he became more mature, his charisma progressively won over more TV fans. People still talk about memorable scenes in The Shell Game (1980), in which Tse plays Law Sei-hoi, nicknamed Divine Eyes of the South. He reprises his role as a master gambler in a film sequel Challenges of the Gamesters (1981). Tse also has a rewarding TV career.
HKFAA is to present the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award to Mr. Patrick Tse on 14 April in recognition of his significant contribution to TV entertainment and the film industry in Hong Kong.
The 38th Hong Kong Film Awards “Professional Achievement Award” - HKFAA is to present the equally prestigious Professional Achievement Award to Mr. Lau Wan(劉允). In 1968, Lau first joined the film industry in his capacity as action choreographer. In the 1970s, ku fung comedy films became very popular. Whenever Lau had silver screen appearances, he preferred to use his nickname Yue Tau Wan(魚頭允), also the name of some Chinese fish head dish. Lau’s name has been included in film credits of more than 100 productions. When kung fu comedy became less popular in the 1990s, Lau resumed his role as action choreographer and has been in the same capacity up to the present. He has been in the film business for five decades. As he is always passionate about action scenes, he is a diligent filmmaker and constantly looks for ways to improve stunt action. His counterparts regard him as an expert in using wires. Even though he does not have to deploy wires anymore, he still insists on following an active lifestyle. Having reached the age of 70, Lau has maintained a strong physique to handle his work duties. His industrious attitude is a perfect example for others to follow. HKFAA is to present the distinguished Professional Achievement Award to Mr. Lau Wan on 14 April.
Portrait photos of Mr. Patrick Tse and Mr. Lau Wan and related art work have been handled by renowned Hong Kong photography team Paul Tsang by U N Workshop and Official Sponsor of Fragrances and Beauty by Giorgio Armani Beauty. HKFAA would like to sincerely thank the photography team and sponsors involved in the production of the presentation ceremony brochure, which would not have been so efficiently completed without their strenuous efforts. 14 April is less than a fortnight away. Everybody has to be well prepared for the 38th Hong Kong Film Awards. The forthcoming presentation ceremony is to be the most engaging yet in the Hong Kong film industry.