
The 34th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony Press Conference Announces Nomination Results

創作多元化的香港電影工業一直赢得各地業界的尊重,而在亞洲極具影響力的《香港電影金像奬頒奬典禮》今年已踏入第三十四個年頭。今天,香港電影金像獎協會假座香港文化中心四樓舉行記者會,宣佈《第三十四屆香港電影金像奬頒奬典禮》的十九項入圍候選名單、頒奬典禮的各大直播媒體及贊助單位。本年度頒獎典禮將於2015年4月19日 (星期日)晚上七時半於香港文化中心大劇院隆重舉行。

香港電影金像獎協會董事梁李少霞女士感謝《第三十四屆香港電影金像奬頒奬典禮》的各家協力直播機構,令廣大觀眾可透過電視廣播有限公司(TVB)、now TV、香港電台第二台及內地愛奇藝視頻網站實時觀賞及收聽頒獎典禮的盛況,而多家海外電視台及網絡平台亦將參與頒獎典禮轉播工作。董事梁李少霞女士表示《香港電影金像奬頒奬典禮》今天的成功,除了靠各參與廣播機構的全力支持,也有賴各文字及電子媒體的報導與推崇,特別感謝各媒體於頒獎禮期間所付出的努力。一個成功的頒獎典禮不少得業內人士的參與,董事梁李少霞女士表示,本年度參與投票的成績令人滿意,經會計師核實票數後,今年統計得出投票率達62.45%,董事梁李少霞女士感激業內各界別的投票者積極參與每年度的投票。至於頒獎典禮的活動資助及贊助方面,董事梁李少霞女士代表香港電影金像獎協會感謝電影發展基金資助本屆頒獎典禮,並撥款港幣十萬元贈予「新晉導演獎」得主,作為其開拍新作品之資料搜集經費。大會亦衷心感謝康樂及文化事務署提供各項場地贊助。香港電影金像獎協會十分榮幸宣佈,著名瑞士腕錶及珠寶品牌—伯爵將會連續第五年成為頒奬典禮的「主題贊助」,繼續為香港電影金像獎平添閃爍光華。

主持人區永權在記者會上宣佈每年一度的頒獎典禮海報設計比賽結果,經香港設計師協會(Hong Kong Designers Association) 主席盧永強先生及委員林偉文先生選出來自CO1設計學校-葛祖霖同學的作品為冠軍,明愛白英奇專業學校-馬雪敏同學為亞軍,CO1設計學校-曾玉顏同學為季軍,而冠軍葛祖霖同學的作品將會被正式印製成大會的宣傳海報。

區永權亦邀請第28屆及33屆香電影金像獎最佳男主角張家輝先生、第28屆香港電影金像獎最佳女主角鮑起靜女士、第31屆香港電影金像獎最佳男配角盧海鵬先生一同公佈本屆十九項入圍候選名單(詳細候選入圍名單於附件中)。董事梁李少霞女士恭喜所有入圍候選者及候選電影,並感謝Rastignac Cognac威利來干邑繼續支持香港電影金像獎,第二年成為本屆頒獎典禮的「大會指定干邑」。最後主持人邀請一眾列席嘉賓到台上拍攝大合照留念,是日記者會圓滿結束。

The Hong Kong film industry has good reputation among global film confreres for its diversification, and one of the most prominent and influential film events in Asia –Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony – is now entering its 34th year. Hong Kong Film Awards Association held the press conference of the 34th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony at the 4th Floor of Hong Kong Cultural Centre today, in which the nomination list of 19 categories and the list of live broadcast media and sponsors this year were announced. The Ceremony will be held at the Grand Theatre of Hong Kong Cultural Centre at 7:30 pm on 19th April 2015 (Sunday).

Mrs. Vicky Leung Lee Shiu-ha – the Director of Hong Kong Film Awards Association, first expressed her thankfulness to all media broadcast partners of the 34th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony. At the Awards night, Hong Kong audiences will be able to enjoy the grand event through TVB, now TV, RTHK Channel 2 and iQIYI, while a great number of overseas TV channels as well as online video platforms will also broadcast this year’s event. Mrs. Vicky Leung said that in addition to the full support from electronic media for live broadcasting, the success and influence of Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony also rely on the coverage and recognition from print media and electronic media, and he especially appreciated media’s efforts during the event. The support from film professionals is indispensable to a successful awards presentation ceremony. According to Mrs. Vicky Leung, the poll received positive responses this year. Verified by certified public accountants, the voter turnout rate reached 62.45%. Mrs. Vicky Leung expressed her sincere gratitude to all voters from different sectors of the film industry for their active participations. As for sponsorship, Mrs. Vicky Leung, on behalf of Hong Kong Film Awards Association, acknowledged the Film Development Fund for subsidizing the event this year, of which $100,000 Hong Kong dollars will be presented to the winner of the “Best New Director” to fund the research work of his/her next film. In addition, the Association extended the sincerest gratefulness to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department for the venue sponsorship provided to the event. We are also delighted to announce that, the association gains the renowned Swiss luxury watchmaker and jeweller – Piaget’s generous supports, to be the Major Sponsor of the association this year. With Piaget at the 5th consecutive year, the ceremony evening will definitely be dazzlingly accentuated.

Results of the annual Theme Poster Competition were announced by the MC of the press conference, Mr. Albert Au Wing-kuen. After careful considerations by Mr. David Lo Wing Keung, Chairman of Hong Kong Designers Association (HKDA) and Mr. Lam Wai Man, Executive Committee of HKDA, Mr. Kot Cho-lam from CO1 School of Visual Arts won the Champion, while the works by Miss Shermen Ma from Caritas Bianchi College of Careers and Miss Tsang Yuk-ngan from CO1 School of Visual Arts were selected as the 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up respectively. The champion work created by Mr. Kot Cho-lam will be printed as the official promotional poster for the event.

Mr. Au invited Mr. Nick Cheung Ka-fai – the winner of Best Actor Award of the 28th and 33rd Hong Kong Film Awards, Ms. Nina Paw Hee-ching – the winner of Best Actress Award of the 28th Hong Kong Film Awards and Mr. Lo Hoi-pang – the winner of Best Supporting Actor of the 31st Hong Kong Film Awards, to jointly announce the nomination list of 19 categories this year (please refer to the appendix for the full nomination list). Mrs. Vicky Leung sent her congratulations to all nominees as well as her thanks to Rastignac Cognac for their support to Hong Kong Film Awards by being the Official Cognac of the event for the 2nd consecutive year. All guests were invited to take a group photo on stage as a prefect roundup of the press conference.