香港電影金像獎協會今天舉行記者招待會宣布《第37屆香港電影金像奬頒奬典禮》詳情,本年度頒獎典禮將於2018年4月15日 (星期日) 晚上於香港文化中心隆重舉行,大會於記者會內公布了本年度19項獎項入圍候選名單、首輪投票率、頒獎典禮當晚各大直播機構、本屆海報設計比賽得獎者名單以及全力支持本屆盛會的贊助單位。
記者會首先由香港電影金像獎協會主席爾冬陞先生發言,爾冬陞先生表示映畫世界裡每一角色及影像都是芳草常綠、青春常駐、永恆不變的,同樣「青春常駐」可以說是香港電影工作者的態度,經常抱著一鼓 「青春常駐」的熱情迎接創作路上的種種挑戰,所以大會決定以「青春常駐」作本屆頒獎典禮的大會主題。而爾冬陞先生代表大會表示,香港電影金像獎頒獎典禮除表揚傑出的電影人之外,亦將肩負起社會責任,今年新增設『金像同行』合作項目,首個合作單位為「香港罕見疾病聯盟」,「香港罕見疾病聯盟」是香港首個由跨類別罕見疾病病人及親屬組成的慈善團體。金像獎大會將與「香港罕見疾病聯盟」透過不同的合作項目,配合參與『金像同行』的電影人,一齊推動香港罕見疾病在公眾層面的宣傳教育工作,增強社會人士對罕見疾病患者關注同了解。在本屆首輪投票率方面,爾冬陞先生表示,本年度參與投票的成績十分理想,首輪投票經會計師核實票數,達至65.48%投票率,在此,爾冬陞主席感激業內各界別的投票者積極參與每年度的投票。
《第37屆香港電影金像奬頒奬典禮》將由本屆大會指定電視台ViuTV 99台,大會指定收費電視台福斯傳媒集團旗下衛視電影台(SCM)、大會指定電台香港電台及大會指定環球網上直播TFI天開數碼媒體同步於不同媒體平台上獨家直播4月15日當晚頒奬典禮盛況。香港電影金像獎協會十分感謝創意香港及電影發展基金繼續資助今年的頒獎典禮,並撥款十萬元贈予「新晉導演獎」得主,作為其開拍新作品之資料搜集經費,大會亦衷心感謝康樂及文化事務署提供多項場地贊助。
魅力奢華的美國頂級珠寶品牌Tiffany & Co.為本屆大會指定腕錶及珠寶贊助商,而國際時尚美妝品牌Giorgio Armani Beauty為本屆大會指定香水、化妝及護膚品贊助商,德國豪華房車品牌 BMW亦為本年度大會指定禮賓車贊助商,大會亦得溥儀眼鏡繼續支持為頒獎典禮之耀目贊助商,一眾贊助單位將於不同領域上全力支持及參與本屆影壇盛會。
本屆頒獎典禮有幸邀請到本地設計師黃新滿先生為本屆大會作平面概念設計,該設計亦將用於頒獎典禮會場上,設計概念沿於電影是影像的語言,都是語言的影像,紀錄着光影在時間與空間中流動,無數重疊的瞬間影象成了動人的畫面和電影故事。而每年一度的頒獎典禮學界海報設計比賽結果,冠軍為林德銓 (CO1設計學校);亞軍:方晴(明愛白英奇專業學校);季軍:彭麗瑩(香港城市大學專上學院),林德銓同學的作品將會被印製成大會的宣傳海報。
爾冬陞主席、王菀之小姐、白只先生與及金像獎董事局仝人恭賀本屆19項入圍候選者及候選電影,司儀並邀請創意香港電影發展基金代表馮永先生;康樂及文化事務署電影節目辦事處代表何美寶女士;ViuTV 代表香港電視娛樂有限公司總經理魯庭暉先生;香港電台中文台台長曾婉明女士;福斯傳媒集團代表華語節目部及原創節目企劃高級副總裁嚴嘉念小姐; TFI天開數碼媒體有限公司創辦人及行政總裁袁耀輝先生;Tiffany & Co.代表簡筠玉小姐;Giorgio Armani Beauty代表陳寶思小姐;BMW代表鄭翠瑩小姐及香港罕見疾病聯盟代表曾建平先生與一眾列席嘉賓到台上拍攝大合照留念,是日記者會圓滿結束。
The Hong Kong Film Awards Association (HKFAA) announced details of the 37th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony at a press conference today. This year the Ceremony will take place on April 15, 2018 (Sun) at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Nominations in a total of 19 categories, result for the first round polling, designated live broadcast media of the Ceremony, winners of this year’s poster design competition and sponsor of all categories has been announced.
HKFAA Chairman, Board of Directors Mr. Derek Yee Tung Sing mentioned, during the press conference, that each and every character and visual in the movie world is young and vibrant. They all share their own eternal and everlasting momentum, this indeed is very similar to the attitude of Hong Kong film-making professionals. Their persistency and creativeness bring them to where they are today. This is why ‘Momentum青春常駐’ is used as the theme for this year’s ceremony. Other than honoring the outstanding film industry professionals, The Hong Kong Film Award will participate in social responsibilities by starting a new program called the ‘Caring Partner金像同行’. We will work with Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Diseases (HKARD) as our first partner. Mr. Yee continued, on behalf of HKFAA. HKARD is the first charity organization in Hong Kong comprising cross-rare-disease patients and their families. Over the next 12 months, through different projects, HKFAA and its participate members of ‘Caring Partner 金像同行’ will help to promote and strengthen community awareness as well as to help educate the public in recognition of the rare diseases. Mr. Yee made special mention of this year’s high voter turnout - 65.48% in the first round of polling as verified by certified public accountant. Mr. Yee took the opportunity to thank voters in the film sector for their enthusiasm over the years.
To ensure that this major cinematic occasion could reach audiences worldwide the 37th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony has ViuTV Channel 99 as the Official TV Broadcaster, STAR Chinese Movies (SCM) as the Official Pay TV Broadcaster, RTHK as the Official Radio, and the Official Worldwide Online Live Streaming, TFI will broadcast the evening’s program on various overseas TV stations, radio station and online media outlets. The HKFAA also extends gratitude to the Financial Supporters, Create Hong Kong and the Film Development Fund, for subsidizing this year’s ceremony, HK$100,000 of which will go to the Best New Director in support of the research work for his/her next project. The HKFAA also wishes to thank for the Venue Sponsor, Leisure and Cultural Services Department for the multiple venues provided.
We would also like to extend our gratitude to the following sponsors for their support: Tiffany & Co. as Official Sponsor of Watches and Jewelries; Giorgio Armani Beauty as Official Sponsor of Fragrances and Beauty; BMW as Official Limousine Sponsor and Puyi Optical as Dazzling Sponsor.
This year Hong Kong designer Mr. Wong Sun Mun has been invited to create the graphics design for the ceremony. The key art will be used in this venue design. The design concept emphasis the art of visual and audio communications recording the flow of light through time. This compilation of light becomes moving pictures and movie.
Also announced at today’s press conference was the result of the annual Theme Poster Competition. The awards were delivered to: (champion) Lam Tak Chuen, CO1 School of Visual Arts; (1st runner-up) Fong Ching Jeanette, Caritas Bianchi College of Careers and (2nd runner-up) Pang Lai Ying, Community College of City University. The champion’s work will be printed as the official poster of the event.
During the press conference, emcee Miss Scarlett Wong Sum Mei invited special guests – Ms. Ivana Wong and Mr. Michael Ning to announce all the nominations in 19 categories for this year (Full list in Appendix).
Mr. Derek Yee, Ms. Ivana Wong, Mr. Michael Ning and the HKFAA directors offered congratulations to all the nominees and competing films. To conclude the press conference representatives of Film Development Fund - Mr. Wellington Fung; Film Programmes Office, Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Miss Mable Ho; ViuTV Representative, Mr. Lofai Lo , General Manager of HK Television Entertainment Company Ltd; Head of Chinese Programme Service, Radio Television Hong Kong - Ms. Dawn Tsang; Fox Networks Group Representative, Ms. Cora Yim, Senior Vice President, Head of Chinese Entertainment and Original Production; TFI Digital Media Limited - Mr. Wilson Yuen, Founder & CEO; Tiffany & Co. - Ms. Jo Kan; Giorgio Armani Beauty - Ms. Emma Chan; BMW - Ms. Maggie Cheng and Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Diseases (HKARD) - Mr. Tsang Kin Ping together with other guests were invited for a group photo.