

本屆董事局就疫情作出研討後,決定取消本屆公佈提名名單之記者招待會。 以下是最新簡訊:

  1. 首輪投票及核票工作已完成,本屆只透過媒體及網絡公佈結果。

  2. 首輪投票經會計師核實票數後,投票率達60.63%。

  3. 按此連結 「第三十九屆香港電影金像獎 - 提名名單」

  4. 大會將會隨即進行第二輪投票程序。

  5. 頒獎典禮原於每年四月舉辦,但由於籌組需動員數百位工作人員。在疫情未能掌控、為防發生感染情况之下;本屆籌委會決定改變原有頒獎典禮模式。待細節落實並作出妥善安排之後,將盡快通知媒體朋友及同業。

電話:852 – 2367 7122
2020 年02 月12 日

Considering the coronavirus outbreak, the Hong Kong Film Awards Committee has resolved to call off the 39th Hong Kong Film Awards Nomination Announcement press event. Latest updates are as followed:

  1. The first round of voting and poll result have been concluded. This year’s nomination announcement is circulated only by means of media and online networks.

  2. The polling result of 60.63% is verified by our Certified Public Accountant.

  3. Click Here for The 39th Hong Kong Film Awards Nomination List .

  4. The second round of voting is about to commence.

  5. Traditionally the awards’ presentation ceremony is held in April. Due to the unpredictability of the current epidemic and to prevent cross-infection amongst the hundreds of people involved during preparation, the HKFAA Committee has decided to modify the presentation format and schedule. Media and showbiz friends will be updated soon when details are available.

For further information, please contact HKFAA Public Relations Unit:
Tel: (852) 2367 7122
Hong Kong Film Awards Association