大會同時公佈「第四十一屆香港電影金像奬學生海報設計比賽」結果及在記者會會場內展出所有得獎作品,並由三位評審——香港電影美術學會副會長莫少宗、香港設計師協會副主席許迅及該會執行委員譚家坤分別頒獎予冠軍楊藹玲(香港知專設計學院)、亞軍賴嘉欣(香港專上學院)及季軍張苡婷(香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院)。三甲得主各獲頒獎座及獎狀,冠軍得主更獲得價值港幣二千元正的App Store & iTunes禮品卡用以購買設計軟件。
大會於記者會上特別鳴謝「創意香港」及「電影發展基金」資助今年的頒獎典禮盛大舉行及撥款港幣十萬元贈予「新晉導演」獎項得主、「康樂及文化事務署」提供場地贊助及各大贊助單位和合作伙伴的鼎力支持。香港電視娛樂有限公司(ViuTV) 繼續成為本屆「香港電影金像奬」大會指定電視台,將在ViuTV 99台全程直播盛況;新加坡及馬來西亞的付費電視平台——映嘉娛樂(Celestial Tiger Entertainment )將繼續為當地觀眾提供「金像奬」直播節目。
• 創意香港助理總監 麥聖希
• 康樂及文化事務署
助理署長(特別職務) 區玉芳
總經理(電影及文化交流) 劉詠恩
總經理(流行文化) 林覺聲
總監(電影節目) 曾秀慧
• 「大會指定電視台及電視製作伙伴」香港電視娛樂有限公司ViuTV
總經理 鍾廣德 及 助理副總裁 李慧卿
• 海外付費電視直播機構(新加坡及馬來西亞)
映嘉娛樂行政總裁 蔡鳳儀 及 執行董事-節目及採購 林燕萍
• 「大會指定禮賓車」:BMW
寶馬汽車(香港)有限公司 香港及澳門董事總經理 梁健燊
市場部高級經理 姜卓非
• 「大會指定香水、化妝及護膚品」:Charlotte Tilbury
Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Asia Pacific Limited
Brand Director, Hong Kong & Macau呂芷瑜
PR & Advocacy Manager, Hong Kong & Macau梁穎賢
• 「耀目贊助」:溥儀眼鏡 代表 林文慧 及 市場部經理 林雪姬
• 「英文雜誌伙伴」:Tatler
Tatler Asia Limited, Owner and Board Member, Tamara LAMUNIÈRE
• 「中文雜誌伙伴」:Vogue Hong Kong
出版人 歐詠詩
• 香港設計師協會副主席 許迅 及 執行委員 譚家坤
• 香港電影美術學會副會長 莫少宗
• 記者會特別嘉賓:王丹妮、陳健朗、胡子彤及盧鎮業

The Hong Kong Film Awards Association (HKFAA) today held a press conference to announce that the 41st Hong Kong Film Awards will be held on 16th April 2023 at the Grand Theatre of Hong Kong Cultural Centre. HKFAA also announced that renowned international movie celebrities will be widely invited to grace the ceremony with their presence and the glittering ‘Red Carpet’ will be with new arrangements. Louise WONG, ‘Best New Actor’ of the 40th Hong Kong Film Awards, presented as the special guests in today’s press event, has made her stunning appearance descending from the red-carpeted staircase. WONG then unveiled all 19 categories of
nominations for the 41st Awards jointly with two Hong Kong Film Award awardees, Kelvin CHAN, the ‘Best New Director’ for the 40th Awards; and Tony WU, the ‘Best New Actor’ for the 36th Awards, as well as with Siuyea LO, nominee of ‘Best Supporting Actor’ for the 39th Awards.
The Hong Kong Film Awards, founded in 1982, prides itself as the longest-standing, most iconic and the largest in scale film awards ceremony in Hong Kong. HKFAA Chairman Derek YEE Tung Sing delivered a speech at the press conference. ‘Although we were much affected by the persistent COVID-19 pandemic last year, under twists and turns, we managed to stage the presentation ceremony of the 40th Hong Kong Film Awards with success. As the pandemic situation has been easing and Hong Kong is getting back on track gradually, we expect the splendor of the Hong Kong Film Awards will resume with a multitude of pre-event activities this year,’ he said.
Chairman YEE further remarked, ‘Affected by the closure of cinemas for over three months in Hong Kong amid the raging COVID-19 pandemic situation in the first quarter of 2022, many local films were unable to screen in the year. As a result, only 33 films were qualified to compete in the 41st Hong Kong Film Awards. Fortunately, quite a few have yielded encouraging results with both good audience feedback and handsome box office records. HKFAA pledges to continue uniting fellows of the industry to produce high quality films to help Hong Kong film industry to regain its glory. Chairman YEE also announced that, after auditing the votes in the first round of polling, the voters’ turnout rate of the Awards last year was 58.07%. On behalf of HKFAA, he expressed gratitude to the judges of the first round of polling and voters of the Hong Kong Film Awards for casting their votes actively.
Results of ‘The 41st Hong Kong Film Awards Student Poster Design Competition’ were also announced and the winning entries were displayed at the venue today. The judges of the poster competition, Alex MOK, Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Film Arts Association; Eddy HUI, Vice-President of the Hong Kong Designers Association; and Gary TAM, Executive Committee member of the Hong Kong Designers Association presented the trophies and certificates to the winner YOUNG Oi Leng from Hong Kong Design Institute, the first runner-up Khamseetha PHIMCHANOK from Hong Kong Community College of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and second runner-up CHEUNG Yee Ting from LiPACE of The Hong Kong Metropolitan University. The winner was also awarded a HK$2000 App Store & iTunes gift card good for purchasing design software.
The HKFAA expressed their gratitude to ‘Create Hong Kong’ and the ‘Film Development Fund’ for sponsoring the award ceremony this year, and for providing a subsidy of HK$100,000 to the winner of ‘Best New Director’. HKFAA also thanked venue sponsor the ‘Leisure and Cultural Services Department’, as well as all sponsors and partners for rendering tremendous support to the event. HK Television Entertainment Company Limited continues as the official TV broadcaster to provide the 41st Hong Kong Film Awards with live broadcast on free-to-air ViuTV Channel No. 99. Celestial Tiger Entertainment will also continue to air the film awards live on their paid television network service for audiences in Singapore and Malaysia.
Before the conclusion of the press conference, Hong Kong Film Awards Association Chairman Derek YEE Tung Sing and representatives of HKFAA Board of Directors at the event, including Vicky LEUNG, Candice YU, Tina LIU, CHIN Ka Lok, CHOW Kwok Chung, Debbie LAM and MAK Chun Hung, extended their congratulations to all nominees and competing films of this year’s awards. The following guests and representatives of sponsors were then invited on stage for a group photo with the hosts.
• Create Hong Kong
Gary MAK, Assistant Head
• The Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Betty AU, Assistant Director (Special Duties)
Doreen LAU, Chief Manager (Film Cultural Exchange)
Richie LAM, Chief Manager (Pop Culture)
Sylvia TSANG, Head (Film Programmes)
• ‘Official TV Production Partner and Broadcaster’
HK Television Entertainment Company Limited (ViuTV)
Clement CHUNG, General Manager
Olive LEE, Assistant Vice President, Marketing Advertising
• Overseas Paid Television Broadcasting (Singapore and Malaysia), Celestial Tiger Entertainment
Ofanny CHOI, Chief Executive Officer
Janice LAM, Executive Director, Programming and Acquisitions
• ‘Official Limousine Sponsor’, BMW
Ray LEUNG, Managing Director-Hong Kong & Macau
Jeffrey KEUNG, Senior Manager, Marketing Department
BMW Concessionaires (HK) Limited
•‘Official Sponsor of Fragrances, Makeup and Skincare’, Charlotte Tilbury
Ivy LU, Brand Director, Hong Kong & Macau
Wing LEUNG, PR & Advocacy Manager, Hong Kong & Macau
Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Asia Pacific Limited
• ‘Dazzling Sponsor’, Puyi Optical Limited
Georgianna LAM, Executive Secretary to CEO
Keira LAM, Marketing Manager
• ‘English Magazine Partner’, Tatler
Tamara LAMUNIÈRE, Owner and Board Member,
Tatler Asia Limited
• ‘Chinese Magazine Partner’, Vogue Hong Kong
Desiree AU, Publisher
• The Hong Kong Film Arts Association
Alex MOK, Vice Chairman
• The Hong Kong Designers Association
Eddy HUI, Vice-President
Gary TAM, Executive Committee member
• Special guests of the press conference
Louise WONG, Kelvin CHAN, Siuyea LO, Tony WU
如有任何垂詢,歡迎賜電 (852) 2367 7892
Please call (852) 2367 7892 for any further information
Hong Kong Film Awards Association
2023年2月9日 9th February 2023