
About "Hong Kong Film Awards Association"


香港電影金像獎於一九八二年開始舉行,於一九九三年正式註冊成為非牟利團體「香港電影金像獎協會有限公司」( 以下簡稱“協會”)。協會主辦年度華語影壇盛事——「香港電影金像獎」 (以下簡稱“金像獎”),多年以來享負盛名,已成為世界性華語影壇的一大盛事。這個國際聞名星光熠熠的金像獎頒獎禮吸引本地及國際影星和電影業界精英參與,共同表彰獲得二十一項大獎的優秀香港電影工作者。














Hong Kong Film Awards was established in 1982, then officially registered as the “Hong Kong Film Awards Association Limited” (the “HKFA”) in December 1993 as a non-profit organization. The HKFA proudly hosts the acclaimed annual Hong Kong Film Awards, the most iconic awards ceremony in the Chinese community in the world and a prestigious event that recognizes excellence in the Hong Kong film industry. This internationally renowned, star-studded ceremony attracts local and international celebrities and industry professionals, honouring outstanding achievements across twenty-one award categories.

Objectives & Purposes

The HKFA is dedicated to honouring the outstanding contributions of industry professionals to Hong Kong cinema. Through its prestigious annual ceremony and associated film activities, the HKFA aims to inspire the industry to elevate production quality and promote cultural exchange both locally and internationally, thereby strengthening Hong Kong cinema's esteemed position on the global film industry. Moreover, the HKFA is dedicated to promoting Hong Kong film culture and fostering audience appreciation for the art of cinema.

Composition & Strengths

The Board of Directors of the HKFA consists of representatives from seventeen professional film organizations in Hong Kong, including the Hong Kong Motion Picture Industry Association, Hong Kong Film Directors' Guild, Hong Kong Performing Artistes Guild, Hong Kong Screen Writers’ Guild, Hong Kong Society of Cinematographers, Hong Kong Stuntman Association, Hong Kong Theatres Association, Society of Film Editors Hong Kong, Hong Kong Film Arts Association, Hong Kong Movie Production Executives Association, Hong Kong Cinematography Lighting Association, Hong Kong Chamber of Films, Association of Motion Picture Post Production Professionals (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Film Composers’ Association, Hong Kong Film Assistant Directors’ Association, Hong Kong Association for Pictures & Sound Production and Hong Kong Visual Effects Association.

The HKFA's collaborative structure ensures a transparent and inclusive awards process, enhancing the credibility of its honours. By uniting diverse perspectives from across the film industry, the HKFA not only enriches the integrity of the awards but also fosters a vibrant film culture in Hong Kong. Through its initiatives, the HKFA inspires filmmakers to pursue excellence, elevating the quality of Hong Kong cinema and expanding its global influence.

Hong Kong Film Awards Trophy

The Hong Kong Film Awards has used different styles of trophy designs since its establishment. The first three editions featured distinct trophy designs, but starting with the 4th Hong Kong Film Awards, the award sculpted by Mr. Antonio Mak Hin Yeung became the standard, remaining in use until the 9th Ceremony. In 1991, the Goddess Trophy for the 10th Ceremony was jointly designed by Hong Kong Artists' Guild’s Mr. Philip Tse and Mr. Alan Zie Yongder, and it has become the award's official symbol ever since.

The size of the Hong Kong Film Awards Goddess Trophy stands 42 cm in height and 2.4 kg in weight. According to the Hong Kong Artists’ Guild, the creative concept of the Goddess Trophy is using the body of a girl as the symbol of the Hong Kong Film Awards that contains elements of beauty, fantasy, prominence and elegance in terms of qualities of Hong Kong filmmakers. The film reel dressed on her signifies Hong Kong cinema; the silver globe in her left hand represents the "Pearl of the Orient" – Hong Kong. She looks upward, symbolizing the continuous thriving innovations of the Hong Kong film industry.

The HKFA would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the talented designers for their trophy creations. These works reflect the evolution of Hong Kong film industry and establish timeless icons for Hong Kong cinema.

Hong Kong Film Awards Theme Music

Since the 15th Hong Kong Film Awards in 1996, the Hong Kong Film Awards has proudly featured the theme music composed by the esteemed composer Mr. Lowell Lo, which has remained a hallmark of the event to this day. This iconic melody resonates throughout the annual awards festivities, celebrating the remarkable achievements of Hong Kong cinema.

The HKFA would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Mr. Lowell Lo for his exceptional contribution, which has significantly enriched the cultural depth of the Hong Kong cinema and the Hong Kong Film Awards.