香港電影金像獎協會今天下午一時正假座香港文化中心四樓宣布《第35屆香港電影金像奬頒奬典禮》詳情,本年度頒獎典禮將於2016年4月3日 (星期日) 於香港文化中心大劇院隆重舉行,記者會公布本年度19項入圍候選名單及頒奬典禮主題、各直播媒體及贊助單位等詳情。
本屆頒獎典禮有幸邀請到著名平面設計師劉小康先生為本屆大會作平面概念設計,該設計亦將用於頒獎典禮會場上。一年一度的海報設計比賽由香港設計師協會主席盧永強先生及執行委員陳超宏先生選出得獎者,並於記者會內進行頒獎儀式,冠軍: 吳穎琪 (理大香港專上學院) 亞軍: 卓家慧 (香港城市大學專上學院)及季軍: 黃觀山 (明愛白英奇專業學校)。
區永權邀請是次記者會特別嘉賓 ﹣本屆金像獎頒獎典禮司儀及曾獲兩屆最佳男主角得主劉青雲及第34屆金像獎最佳新演員及最佳女配角得主王菀之到台上共同宣布19項獎項的入圍候選名單。香港電影金像獎協會十分感謝Rastignac Cognac威利來干邑繼續支持香港電影金像獎,連續三年成為本屆頒獎典禮的「大會指定干邑」,司儀區永權隨即邀請一眾列席嘉賓到台上拍攝大合照留念,是日記者會圓滿結束。

The Hong Kong Film Awards Association announced the details of the 35th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony at the 4th Floor of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre today 13:00. The Ceremony will be held at the Grand Theatre of Hong Kong Cultural Centre on 3rd April 2016 (Sunday). The nomination list of 19 categories and the list of live broadcast media; as well as the theme and sponsors’ list of this year ceremony were also announced at the press conference today.
Being one of the most prominent and influential film events in Asia – The Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony – is now entering its 35th years, talents and outstanding film productions continue to be abundant in the flourishing Hong Kong film industry which has over 100 years of history. The theme for this year ceremony is “Forever Young”. Apart from awarding the top filmmakers, individuals and productions of 2015, the Awards also aims to showcase the creativity, sophistication of Hong Kong film industry, which keeps abreast with the times. To celebrate this year’s theme “Forever Young”, various famed child actors and actresses will join the Hong Kong Film Awards Ceremony on 3rd April. Mr. Derek Yee Tung Sing - Chairman of the Hong Kong Film Awards Association, announced the first round of voting has been verified by certified public accountants, within two-week period, participation reaches 63.45%. Mr. Derek Yee expressed his gratitude towards the Voting Committee and voters for their dedication.
Mr. Albert Au - MC of the press conference today, delighted to announce that the renowned Swiss luxury watchmaker and jeweller – Piaget – will be the Major Sponsor of the Association for the 6th consecutive year. With Piaget’s generous support, the Ceremony evening will definitely be dazzlingly accentuated. In addition, The Association is also made an announcement of the official live broadcasting channels for this year’s Awards, including TVB, SCM, RTHK Radio 2, Tencent Video and Tencent Entertainment. Overseas broadcasting details has reached the final stage of liaison, which is set to maximize the exposure among international audiences. The Association extended its sincerest gratitude to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department for the venue sponsorship provided to the Ceremony, and acknowledged the Film Development Fund for subsidizing the event this year, of which $100,000 Hong Kong dollars will be presented to the winner of the “Best New Director” to fund the research work of his/her next film.
This year, the Hong Kong Film Awards Association has invited the prestigious graphic designer Mr. Freeman Lau to curate the graphic design concept of the ceremony. After a round of careful considerations by the jury from the Hong Kong Designers Association: Chairman of HKDA Mr. David Lo Wing Keung and Executive Committee Member of HKDA Mr. Eric Chan Chiu Wang, results of the annual Poster Competition were announced. Creation by Ms. Ng Wing Ki from PolyU Hong Kong Community College was selected as the Champion, Mr. Toh Jia Huey from Community College of City University have won the 1st Runner-up and Wong Kwun Shan have won 2nd Runner-up from Caritas Bianchi College of Careers.
Mr. Albert Au invited Mr. Sean Lau Ching Wan, the Host of the 35th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony and two Best Actor awards winner; and Ms. Ivana Wong, awardee of Best Supporting Actress and Best New Performer of the 34th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony, to jointly announce the nomination list of the 19 categories this year.
The association expressed the thankfulness to Rastignac Cognac for their support to Hong Kong Film Awards and being the Official Cognac of the event for the 3rd consecutive year. All guests were invited to take a group photo on stage as a prefect roundup of the press conference.