由香港著名攝影師 CK 陳錦強先生帶領其頂尖的攝影團隊親自操刀,依照本屆主題[電影狂想曲]的概念,
不同的自信姿態與星光魅力。而本屆司儀組合將由首次擔任金像獎頒獎禮司儀的楊千嬅及陳小春, 伙拍
有豐富金像獎頒獎禮司儀經驗的林家楝. 大家務必留意 4 月 19 日香港時間晚上 7 時半的第 34 屆香港電

參與特刊拍攝工作之入圍候選最佳導演 左起: 陳果 Fruit Chan、許鞍華 Ann Hui On Wah、陳可辛 Peter Chan Ho Sun、莊文強 Felix Chong Man
Keung、麥兆輝 Alan Mak Shiu Fai、林超賢 Dante Lam。
[電影狂想曲] 紀念特刊將於 4 月 10 日公開發售
及設計上,特別以數碼影像的基本單元[像素] (Pixel) 為構思元素,無數的像素匯聚,一方面建構出讓人
事上、視覺上的可能性。而本屆能撥冗參與拍攝工作之候選人士包括: 麥兆輝 Alan Mak Shiu Fai、方中信
Alex Fong、許鞍華 Ann Hui On Wah、張雪芹 Candy Cheung、蔡卓妍 Charlene Cho、吳彥祖 Daniel Wu、林
超賢 Dante Lam、彭于晏 Eddie Peng Yuyen、莊文強 Felix Chong Man Keung、薛凱琪 Fiona Sit、陳果 Fruit Chan、
黄渤 Huang Bo、王菀之 Ivana Wong、蔡潔 Jacky Cai、惠英紅 Kara Wai Ying Hung、曾江 Kenneth Tsang、林
雪 Lam Suet、劉青雲 Lau Ching Wan、吳孟達 Ng Man Tat、鮑起靜 Nina Paw Hee Ching、陳可辛 Peter Chan Ho
Sun、吳君如 Sandra Ng Kwan Yue、湯唯 Tang Wei、王寶強 Wang Baoqiang、趙薇 Zhao Wei、周迅 Zhou Xun。

參與特刊拍攝工作之入圍候選最佳女主角 左起: 吳君如 Sandra Ng Kwan Yue、湯唯 Tang Wei、周迅 Zhou Xun、趙薇 Zhao Wei、
蔡卓妍 Charlene Cho。

參與特刊拍攝工作之入圍候選最佳男主角 左起: 彭于晏 Eddie Peng Yuyen、劉青雲 Lau Ching Wan、黄渤 Huang Bo、吳彥祖 Daniel Wu。

參與特刊拍攝工作之入圍候選最佳女配角 左起: 惠英紅 Kara Wai Ying Hung、王菀之 Ivana Wong、薛凱琪 Fiona Sit、鮑起靜 Nina Paw HeeChing。

參與特刊拍攝工作之入圍候選最佳男配角 左起: 王寶強 Wang Baoqiang、林雪 Lam Suet、林超賢 Dante Lam、吳孟達 Ng Man Tat、方中信 Alex
Fong、曾江 Kenneth Tsang。

參與特刊拍攝工作之入圍候選最佳新演員左起: 王菀之Ivana Wong、蔡潔Jacky Cai、張雪芹Candy Cheung。

第 34 屆香港電影金像獎頒獎典禮司儀 (相片左起: 林家棟 Gordon Lam、楊千嬅 Miriam Yeung、陳小春 Jordan Chan)
參與拍攝的候選人的相片; 除了由頂尖級 CK 陳錦強攝影團隊主理再配以主題贊助伯爵的耀目名錶及珠
寶外, 相片特別效果由韓國 3D 視覺特效師黃萬石(Man Sok Hwang)加入了 HighTech 感較重的立體效
上導演於特刊中表示: 最初我們討論 [電影狂想曲] 這主題時,談到好多人以為拍電影是用錢推砌出來
狂想曲] 作訪問,劉偉強導演表示 : 製作電影靠的始終是智慧,同時又像發一場夢,只不過是將夢境成
真。而本屆特刊編輯組特別與各參與拍攝的候選人為本屆主題[電影狂想曲] 作深入訪問。全書共 112
頁精采內容,印有男女主角候選人封面,每本售價港幣 HK$98,將於本星期六 4 月 11 日下午於全港各
Piaget, the renowned Swiss watchmaker and jeweller, has been an avid supporter of the film industry, is honoured to continue its streak for the cause of art by becoming the Major Sponsor of the Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony for the fifth consecutive year. The Hong Kong Film Awards Association is dedicating a commemorative special publication to the new chapter in the story of the annual event. Entitled “Rhapsody of Film”, Photography for the commemorative Special is executed by a top notch photographer team under the leadership of renowned
Hong Kong photographer Mr CK Chan (陳錦強). The concept of the photo-shoot is based on this year's
ceremony theme - “Rhapsody of Film”. The combination of a star-studded cast and mesmerizing watches and jewelry from Piaget will undoubtedly allow for the models to elaborate on the theme of “Rhapsody of Film”;
striking confident poses and radiating their celebrity charm. This year's MC team consists of Miriam Yeung (楊
千嬅) and Jordan Chan (陳小春), who are making a debut as the role of Hong Kong Film Award Presentation
Ceremony’s MC, and along with an experienced MC - Gordon Lam (林家楝)., for sure they will bring surprises
beyond imagination on the evening of 19th April The 34th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony.
“Rhapsody of Film” Commemorative Special Issue Magazine will be on sale from 10th April.
The film industry is evolving in leaps and bounds and this year's awards ceremony adopts the theme of “Rhapsody of Film”, hoping to highlight the advances in digital technology. Special effects has the ability to enhance the film experience, bringing surprises beyond imagination to the audience. In keeping with the main theme, this year's special issue's photography and graphics design will use the Pixel – the fundamental component of digital imaging – as its key concept. The agglomeration of countless pixels, on the one hand forms captivating imagery, while on the other symbolizes the limitless imagination of movie makers. Together, they generate abstract rhapsodies, expanding horizons for possibilities of new visualizations and narratives.
Candidates for this year's photo-shoot lineup include: Alan Mak Shiu Fai (麥兆輝), Alex Fong (方中信), Ann Hui
On Wah (許鞍華), Candy Cheung (張雪芹), Charlene Cho (蔡卓妍), Daniel Wu (吳彥祖), Dante Lam (林超賢), Eddie
Peng Yuyen (彭于晏), Felix Chong Man Keung (莊文強), Fiona Sit (薛凱琪), Fruit Chan (陳果), Huang Bo (黄渤), Ivana
Wong (王菀之), Jacky Cai (蔡潔), Kara Wai Ying Hung(惠英紅), Kenneth Tsang (曾江), Lam Suet (林雪), Lau Ching
Wan (劉青雲), Ng Man Tat (吳孟達), Nina Paw Hee Ching (鮑起靜), Peter Chan Ho Sun (陳可辛), Sandra Ng Kwan
Yue (吳君如), Tang Wei (湯唯), Wang Baoqiang (王寶強), Zhao Wei (趙薇), and Zhou Xun (周迅). (The name list is in
order of strokes of English name)
In addition to the participation of Mr CK Chan's (陳錦強) photographer team in combination with eye-catching watches and jewellery from the Ceremony’s Major Sponsor - Piaget, Korean 3D visual effects artist Man Sok
Hwang(黃萬石) mixed hightech three-dimensional geometric effects with elements of fantasy to strengthen the
links between film and special effects represented in the photographs. In the commemorative special issue, Director Gordon Chan (陳嘉上), chairman of the Hong Kong Film Awards Association (HKFAA), expressed in the
commemorative special issue: “When we first discussed the theme of “Rhapsody of Film”, we felt that a lot of
people thought films are made with money; that everything can be resolved with special effects. But in fact, films are created by wisdom.” Andrew Lau(劉偉強) - vice-chairman of HKFAA, adds in his interview: “Film
production ultimately relies on wisdom. While at the same time – it's like having a dream, except that you are turning dreams into reality.” The current commemorative special issue will also include other in-depth interviews with celebrities who participated in the thematic “Rhapsody of Film” photo-shoot. The entire issue has a total of 111 pages of exciting content printed with nominees of the Best Actor and Best Actress Awards on the front cover. The retail cost of the issue will be HK$98. Public sale on 11th April, Saturday afternoon at news-stands and major bookstores across Hong Kong.